Donald Trump is the 13th president in the lives of the oldest members of our baby boomer generation (born in 1946). He is also, without question, the most controversial. As BoomerCafé co-founder and executive editor Greg Dobbs writes from Colorado, the first week of the new year shows, for better or for worse, what gives him that indubitable distinction.
“That Was the Week That Was” was a political satire on TV back in the 1960s, when we were just kids (some were very little kids). But after the week just behind us now, viewers in the ‘60s didn’t know the half of it.
In the one dangerously dicey week that launched this new year, at a pace I wouldn’t have thought possible, the president came back to wintry Washington from the warmth of Florida and spread the chill to us all.
On his first working day alone, a savage storm of 16 tweets. He blasted Pakistan for its “lies & deceit,” which is true because Pakistan is a two-faced friend. But it’s also an ally which does share intelligence with us and despite its otherwise ambiguous attitude, also helps us fight terrorism. Now, maybe not so much. Already, China is moving into the void.
He blasted the Palestinians, complaining that “We pay the Palestinians HUNDRED (sic) OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect.” True too, but does he actually believe that by insulting them before the world, they’re going to become more amenable to America’s role as an even-handed Middle East peace negotiator rather than less? All he did was shoot another bullet in our own back … and, by the way, in his son-in-law’s back, Jared Kushner, whose mandate is to close that “toughest deal of all.”
And of course Trump went big button to bigger button with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, as if daring a madman to push his button first is an act of sanity.
It’s not. None of those rash reckless tweets made us stronger. Or safer. And that’s just one week overseas.
Here at home, the president again threatened to corrupt the independence of the Department of Justice (no surprise after asserting, “I have the absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department”), first tweeting about “Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid (sic),” Huma Abedin: “Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act?” Then later in the week we learned that although the FBI had previously closed the Clinton Foundation investigation for lack of evidence, at Trump’s insistence, they’re back at it.
And he prepared to publicize his vindictive picks for “Dishonesty & Bad Reporting” awards. As Libertarian Denver Post columnist Krista Kafer pointed out, he’s attempting to marginalize the people trying to hold him accountable. “This can’t be good,” she writes, “for democracy.”
Unabashedly in another tweet Trump even claimed credit for a fatality-free year in commercial American air travel: “Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation.” Preposterous, because the safe streak dates back to 2013. Which inspired some amusing tweets in response, like, “We had no gas explosions in our house this year. Thank you, Mr. President for your hands-on leadership …”
Maybe the most striking news last week though wasn’t from Trump, but about him. At the request of some members of Congress who are worried about his mental state, a Yale psychiatrist went to Washington and briefed them about Trump’s fitness to be president. Of course his press secretary called questions about the president’s mental health “disgraceful and laughable.”
But a lot of us aren’t laughing. A local psychiatrist talked to me recently — at his behest, not mine — and told me that while officially people in his profession can’t diagnose someone from afar, in the case of Donald Trump and his very public behavior, they know more about him than they know about some of their own patients. His self-loving weekend tweet that he is “like, really smart” and “a very stable genius” notwithstanding, the diagnosis that many mental health professionals have reached (and written about) is not just narcissism, which is about self-absorption and self-obsession (which any fool can see), but delusional thought disorder, which means he can’t distinguish his own delusions and fantasies from reality.
Which brings us, of course, to The Book, contents of which were released in the midst of all the other inanities of this one wild week. Like, Trump hasn’t read the Constitution. And barely reads anything at all. So let’s say just half of what’s reported in the book is true … or even a quarter … or, what the heck, let’s say just ten percent. Even that would be enough to disqualify this man from working in the Oval Office. My guess — and yes, I’m biased against this president — is that the accuracy quotient is higher than that, because every little tidbit merely affirms what anonymous aides have been quoted saying about their bombastic boss for the past year.
Note to Mr. Trump: this was the first tell-all book but it won’t be the last. Note to the rest of us: this was the first mortifying week of 2018. It won’t be the last.
It absolutely stuns me that this dangerous, narcissistic, bombastic, juvenile person is still in the position of President of The United States. On a daily, often hourly basis he is endangering the country he is supposed to be leading, and unraveling so much of what has been put in place by others with a conscience. With every tweet he alienates another country, his mental health is a constant topic of conversation even by those in his cabinet, so then why has he not been removed from the highest position in the country? Those in Washington, capable and responsible for beginning the process to remove this dangerous man have sold their souls and won’t be forgotten! Wake up America before it’s too late!
So with Trump as president… he is in the drivers seat WHICH is where he wants to be, right or wrong. With Hillary as president, she wants to sit in the back seat waving and cares NOTHING about who is driving… Democrats, her friends, her foreign contributors, Oligarchs etc. Remember when the tragedy at Columbine HS occurred? During that memorial the world grieved as they watched EXCEPT the Clintons who NOT ONLY were not watching the ceremony, but they were partying at a Democratic Fund Raiser.
I read your website because I am a Boomer and enjoy the spin. Your latest didn’t disappoint. As you mentioned some are laughing . I and the rest of Trump supporters are even though there may be few that read your site. Maybe to get the rest of your readers laughing you would consider listing some of the accomplishments made during the last year. I’m sure you would find that disgusting and/or impossible but use your imagination.
Perhaps you would care to enlighten us with a list of this administration’s accomplishments.
so agree with you and can’t imagine going another year filled with this deranged donnie’s dictator- wannabe errors! Help! Mueller…get going please! We are all exhausted and terrified.
I totally agree with the author. If any other person elected to the office of President of the United States had said and done even SOME of the things that Trump has done or said, Republicans and Trump supporters would have howled their disapproval… there’s a a Bill Maher segment where he uses an Obama impersonator saying some of the things Trump has said — and in my opinion is shocking and a real eye-opener:
Our democracy is being undermined, America’s standing in the world is being degraded, our institutions destroyed, and the vast majority of the American people squeezed by the reverse-Robin Hood tactics of this republican regime in the White House. I see no real or lasting accomplishments.
I have enjoyed reading BoomerCafé because it is information and that I might find interesting or useful, some brought back memories, others reminded us of what issues we might face, but I have noticed recently that the pieces are more opinion pieces not about life in general, but more in line with political opinion pieces. And most have been pointing out all the problems with the president. it is not that I disagree with the author, but frankly, it just adds BoomerCafé to a list of many that are upset with the election and the behavior of our president. I get it, but I can read that in my newspaper or watch on most newscasts. I fully support opinion pieces on BoomerCafé, even those that are upset with the president or heck, even if one was supportive, but I hope it is every now and then. Thank you for a great site.